An extension is part of the file name delimited by fullstop. The extension defines the type and content of the file. This section of the ThreatSense parameter setup lets you define the types of files to scan.
By default, all files are scanned regardless of their extension. Any extension can be added to the list of files excluded from scanning. If the checkbox Scan all files is unchecked, the list title changes to list of scanned files. It lists the predefined setting of the most common file types. Using the Add and Remove buttons, you can enable or prohibit scanning of desired extensions.
To enable scanning of files with no extension, check the option Scan extensionless files.
Excluding files from scanning has its purpose if the scanning of certain file types causes incorrect operation of the program using the extensions. For example, it may be advised to exclude the EDB, EML and TMP extensions when using the MS Exchange server.