HTTP filter

This tab enables you to configure the HTTP(s) communication checking options.

Nod32 ea config epfw scan http HTTP filter

Enable HTTP checking

if enabled, all traffic through HTTP is scanned for malicious software

Ports used by HTTP protocol

a list of HTTP ports to check. Ports 80, 8080, 3128 are set by default.


ESET NOD32 Antivirus supports also HTTPS protocol checking. This type of communication uses an encrypted channel to transfer information between server and client. ESET NOD32 Antivirus checks communications utilizing the SSL (Secure Socket Layer), and TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption methods.

HTTPS Filtering mode

Do not use HTTPS protocol checking
encrypted communication will not be checked

Use HTTPS protocol checking for selected ports
check this option to enable HTTPS checking only for ports defined in Ports used by HTTPS protocol

Use HTTPS protocol checking for applications marked as Internet browsers that use selected ports
the program will only check those applications that are specified in the browsers section and that use ports defined in Ports used by HTTPS protocol

Ports used by HTTPS protocol
a list of HTTPS ports to check. Port 443 is set by default.


HTTP filter