Log files

Logs store information about important events: detected infiltrations, logs from the on-demand and resident scanners and system information.

Nod32 ea page logs Log files

Detected threats

Threat log offers detailed information about infiltrations detected by ESET NOD32 Antivirus modules. The information includes the time of detection, name of infiltration, location, the performed action and the name of the user logged in at the time the infiltration was detected. To copy or delete one or more lines from the log (or to delete the whole log), use the contextual menu (right-click on the item).


The Event log contains information about events and errors that have occurred in the program. Often the information found here can help you find a solution for a problem occurring in the program.

On-demand computer scan

The scanner log stores information about manual or planned scan results. Each line corresponds to a single computer control. It lists the following information: scan date and time, total number of scanned, infected, and cleaned files and the current scan status.

In On-demand scanner logs, double-click the log entry to display its detailed content in a separate window.
Use the content menu (right click) to copy one or more marked entries (in all types of logs).

Log files