For updating from a local Windows NT-based server, authentication is required for updated computers. If the local system account is not granted access to the mirror server directory (where the updates are stored), it is necessary to specify the account used by the program to access the local update server.
System account
The program will use the system account for authentication. Normally, the authentication should work. If you experience problems, it is recommended to use a specified user.
Current user
The program will use the account of the currently logged in user for authentication. In this case, updates will not be possible at times when there is no user logged in, because the program will not be able to establish connection to the server.
Specified user
The program will use the account of the specified user for authentication. Use this method when the system account connection failed. Please be aware that the specified user account must have access to the update files directory on the local server. Otherwise the program will not be able to establish a connection and download updates.
Disconnect from server after update
Select this option if connection to the server remains active even after updates have been downloaded.