
Nod32 ea config update mirror Mirror

Creation of the ‘mirror’ – a copy of the update files in the LAN environment is convenient, since the update files need not be downloaded from the vendor update server repeatedly and by each workstation. They are downloaded centrally to the local mirror server and then distributed to all workstations, therefore avoiding the risk of potential network traffic overload.

The dialog window contains the following options:

Create update mirror – select this checkbox to activate creation of the update copies by the mirror module.

Provide update files via the internal HTTP server - if enabled, update files can simply be accessed through HTTP. Click Advanced setup to configure extended mirror options.

Folder to store mirrored files - click to browse through available folders to locate the destination folder.

User name, Password - if the selected destination folder is located on a network disk running the Windows NT/2000/XP operating system, the Username and Password specified must have write privileges for the selected folder.

If the option Provide update files via the internal HTTP server is selected, no user name and password is required here.

The list of Available versions shows all language versions that are currently supported by the mirror server configured by the user.

