Command line utility control

ESET SysInspector supports generating reports using from command line using these parameters

generate a report directly from the command line without running the GUI
generate a report excluding sensitive information
stores the resulting report directly on the disk in a compressed file
this parameter suppresses the display of the report generation progress bar
/help, /? 
display information about the usage of command line parameters


If the name of the file/folder contains a gap, then should be taken into inverted commas

To load a specific report directly into the browser, use: SysInspector.exe  “c:\clientlog.xml”
To generate a report to a current location, use: SysInspector.exe /gen
To generate a report to a specific folder, use: SysInspector.exe /gen=”c:\folder\”
To generate a report to a specific file/location, use: SysInspector.exe /gen=”c:\folder\mynewlog.xml”
To generate a report excluding sensitive information directly in a compressed file, use: SysInspector.exe /gen=”c:\” /privacy /zip
To compare two logs, use: SysIsnpector.exe “current.xml” “original.xml”


Command line utility control